Iliotibial Band Syndrome Treatment in Maryland

Iliotibial Band Syndrome Treatment in MD

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The Condition

What is Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Pain located at the outer portion of the knee that often “locks up” during or after runs. The pain is often described as burning as well. This condition is believed to be as high as 12% of runners*.

This condition is still believed by the mainstream to be a friction syndrome of a bursae underneath the IT band insertion at the knee.

*Fredericson M, Wolf C. Iliotibial band syndrome in runners: innovations in treatment.Sports Med, 2005;35:451-459.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome Treatment

Typical Treatment: Treatment often focuses on icing the area, stretching of the band and strengthening of the quadriceps and hips

Research shows there is no inflammation located at this area and the IT band tenses with flexion, so treatment should release this tension at the knee. Graston therapy to the ITB as it crosses the knee, along with the surrouding musculature (quads, hamstring, popliteus, etc) will get the area functioning better.

Treatment should also involve the Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) and gluteal strengthening, which help take the tension out of the IT band. This is key because it reduces strain (or the pulling) at the knee which reduces the pain.

Signs You May Have Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome is different from generic knee pain because it most often occurs on the outer portion of the knee. Many runners are affected by Iliotibial Band Syndrome and notice worsening pain during or after a run.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome symptoms may also include tenderness, swelling, popping, snapping, or even hip pain. If you notice any of the following common signs of Iliotibial Band Syndrome, you want to schedule an appointment for Iliotibial Band Syndrome Treatment ASAP to help correct the issue.

  • Outer knee pain
  • Increased pain during or after running
  • Tenderness of the knee
  • Swelling of the knee
  • A popping or snapping sensation
  • Hip pain or weakness
  • General ITB tightness
  • Knee pain associated with overuse or during common activities (ie, climbing stairs) 

Common Causes of Iliotibial Band Syndrome

IT band syndrome used to be believed to be caused by inflammation under the IT band. However, research has shown inflammation is not the cause but instead is tension due to flexion.

As such, the most common cause of IT band syndrome is repetitive tension and overuse, found in activities such as running, without the proper warm-up and cool-down routine. 

Be aware of common causes of IT band syndrome so you can properly warm up to prevent IT band syndrome and seek IT band syndrome treatment as soon as signs appear. 

  • Repetitive motions like running, cycling, skiing, or rowing
  • Improper form (ie, foot pronation) when running
  • Tightness in the muscles without proper relief
  • Running on tilted or uneven surfaces, like hills
  • Increases in training intensity
  • Improper footwear or lack of proper support
  • Unbalanced training

Dr. Josh Bross’ Take

This is another injury I like seeing (again, not because I like to see you in pain, but because we can fix it fast). People with this injury will have gone to physical therapy multiple rounds, other chiropractors, etc, with not much luck. They still get pain (usually running) and are very frustrated that it won’t go away.

What we do is look elsewhere for the problem, since clearly the ITB hasn’t responded to care. Is it coming from the joint of the knee? Is it coming from the ankle not moving right, or the foot not functioning right? You have to look at all aspects, and when you fix them, the problem usually will go away.

Treating IT Band Syndrome in Columbia, Maryland

IT band syndrome is a common problem for runners and athletes. Luckily, at Elite Chiropractic and Sport, we have the skills, experience, and tools to help alleviate the pain and correct the issue. 

We offer IT band syndrome treatment in Columbia, MD with proven techniques and a personal approach. Dr. Josh Bross is familiar with treating Iliotibial Band Syndrome and as such knows how to assess and approach the pain.

During your appointment, we’ll look at the knee joint, the ankle, the foot, hips, and more. By finding the cause of the knee pain due to Iliotibial Band Syndrome, we can properly treat it so you can return to running, cycling, sports, and more without any more pain or setbacks. 

chiropractor for sports injuries in maryland

IT Band Pain FAQ

IT band pain is most often caused by repetitive motions found in hobbies like running, cycling, skiing, and rowing. Tightness from repetitive motions can cause tension in the IT band, causing pain. You may also experience IT band pain due to improper footwear and support, an increase in intensity, lack of stretching (warm-ups and cool-downs), and foot pronation. 

Some at-home remedies can help alleviate the immediate pain from IT band syndrome, like rest, ice and heat therapies, and stretching exercises. However, these do not target the cause of the pain and the pain is likely to reoccur. You want to schedule an appointment for IT band pain treatment in Columbia, MD to find long-term solutions. 

Our chiropractic office is in-network with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, United, Johns Hopkins EHP, Aetna, and Medicare. We are out of network with Cigna. You do not need a referral to visit our office. Give us a call today with any insurance questions about IT band syndrome treatment. 

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